A letter to Karon Blake

A letter to Karon Blake

This post started as a letter to Mayor Muriel Bowser. I have never written a letter to her before and regret that. As a DC elected official, paid by my tax dollars, tasked and bound to Oath with serving and protecting my interests as a DC resident, I am responsible for giving feedback and

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Askale's Cafe

Askale's Cafe

Coming Soon!

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The Catholic University and Sister Thea Bowman

The Catholic University and Sister Thea Bowman

Coming Soon!

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Brookland Cafe

Brookland Cafe

Coming Soon!

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Brookland House and Garden Tour

Brookland House and Garden Tour

Coming Soon!

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Diverse City Funds

Diverse City Funds

Coming Soon!

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Louis Mailou Jones Residence

Louis Mailou Jones Residence

Coming Soon!

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Save McMillian Park

Save McMillian Park

Coming Soon!

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The Baker's Lounge

The Baker's Lounge

Coming Soon!

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Brookland Black & Indigenous Historical Preservation Neighborhood Council

Ward 5 Brookland Neighborhood Washington, D.C.

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